• Missing: Idea #577

    Too often what we hear and read in the media is about lack, about not enough, about what we’re missing. I believe we have all we need, even more. How is that? ‘Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. (M.Beattie) I think it’s all about our perspective, how we look at things that determines what we have.

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  • Empathy: Idea #576

    Sometimes there’s a perception that feelings and emotions should stay private. I’m here to let you know that humans are complex beings, and all parts of us are involved with life, even professionally. ‘Empathy is figuring out a way to understand what another person is feeling, and it allows you to know what it is like to walk in their shoes. When you have empathy you can see into the soul of another’s struggle and relate with them. Be an empathetic leader, help the people around you carry their load.’ (J.Maxwell) This is one of those emotions that should always be a part of our professional life, especially as leaders.

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

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  • Failing: Idea #575

    Are you still afraid of failing? ‘What if I told you that failing is acceptable, but quitting is not? No matter how discouraged you might feel today, you can develop grit, build resilience, and learn the power of perseverance. What makes people resilient? We need to actively commit to not giving up.’ (B.Olthoff) It’s helpful to know you have resilience within yourself, because ‘A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not in the branch but in her own wings. Always believe in yourself.’ (U) Do you believe in yourself, and are you committed to not giving up?

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

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